It’s coming down to the wire as I get ready for my gallery show in October. I thought I would post some of the details and activities that need to be done in these last 4 weeks.

The most recent challenge was to narrow down the list of paintings I would be showing, along with pieces I am still working on and plan to finish, and deciding what I needed for frames.
Always order frames with enough spare time to account for any hiccups. I ordered 16 frames, and two of them were damaged. But because I have time I will get replacements next week. I will still need to check that my choices are good, and if need be, order new frames.

Finishing work. While I would not recommend having to finish paintings just prior to a show, I imagine this is a pretty normal occurrence. There is always one more piece you hoped to get done and that is where I am now. I don’t “need” these final pieces, but I sure would like to get them done.
Postcards! If you are sending out postcards, better plan to have them at the printer about 4 weeks before the show. It will take a week to get them, and you want time to send them out ahead of the show.

Talk to your gallery, make sure everyone is on the same page with dates, reception details, food, announcements and the like. A good relationship with the gallery is essential. Knowing they will help you put on the best show possible is comforting, but don’t rely on them. Double check. Plan. Communicate and follow up.
Social Media planning and PR. Do you know who you want to reach just prior to the show? Do you have planned posts to your social media channels? Are you advertising (probably too late for that now). Have you contacted the usual outlets for listing your event? Have you enlisted friends and colleagues to help spread the word and generate some buzz?
Review your plan. Finally, on almost a daily basis, review your plan. What isn’t done that needs to get done. Where does your time and attention need to be over these next few weeks.
When this is over I will post my experience and some lessons learned. This is my first solo gallery show so I am sure there will be some surprises, positive and negative, that I can learn from the next time around. And if you live nearby (in the northern Vermont area) and want more details about this show, it will be at the Emile A. Gruppe Gallery on Barber Farm Road in Jericho. It opens on October 12th with an opening reception from 1-4 on Sunday October 15th. Come by and say “Hi”. I will be the tired looking guy probably putting finishing touches on the paintings on the wall 🙂
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